Toronto's Forgotten Landmarks: Ghost Floors at the King Edward
Haunting images of the derelict King Edward Hotel Ballroom have graced this site before. Finally up for serious renovations, many are unaware that this was not the only area of the beautiful old hotel that sat vacant for years...
The mysteriously listed, and yet seemingly inaccessible 17th floor was not much more than an odd curiosity in a quirky old hotel for many. However, arriving a few floors shy of a destination and finding a stairwell at the far end of a winding hall has always helped quell my own curiosity...
Locating the migrating chandelier is always a fun game to play upon entering the ballroom floor...
Using similar access-maneuvers during my (probably hundreds by now) visits over the years, I discovered that the same ghost-floor phenomenon which allowed access to the Ballroom was true for at least 3 of the lower floors as well. What I found was what appeared to be a derelict shopping arcade, hairstylist, dentist and clothing stores included - the area partially used for holiday decoration and file storage by the time we met. Subsequently, this has all vanished; although I used to love my little 'King Eddy secret', I must say that I am glad to see them re-vamp the old building.
For years, 'getting caught' in this place was equivalent to being asked, very graciously, to leave; I made friends with many of the security guards (who would often slink off to the forgotten places for a quick smoke), and was even granted a permit, until visible structural damage forbade it.
The view, from inside, or up on the roof, is a spectacular one...
Times, as they say, have changed. With the immanent rebirth of the Ballroom comes harsher warning signs on all of the upper doors (as well as on the former lower-floor business/shopping areas, now gutted). My usual philosophy is that it is far easier to ask for forgiveness than permission in these instances, but the old girl has been very good to me over the years, and very soon, it will be time to say goodbye.
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