Vote for your favourite photo of Doors Open Toronto
Doors Open Toronto typically produces great photos, but this year's crop is superlative. Toronto often gets knocked for not being a beautiful city, but these photos tell a different story, one in which the city is an architectural marvel. Alas, many of these subjects are difficult to access year-round, but it's intriguing to know what lies just beyond plain sight -- and, hey, the photos capture everything for posterity.
Here our are top 10 picks for Doors Open photos this year. Be sure to vote for your favourite. The deadline for voting is end of day June 1st.
Lead photo by
Photo by avexus
Photo by Dan Perl
Photo by Vik Pahwa
Photo by Clare C
Photo by iuliana strambeanu
Photo by shutterjitter
Photo by Susan Drysdale
Thanks to everyone who voted and participated. The winners have now been contacted and the top three vote getters are as follows:
1. Avexus (Toronto Archives)
2. John Yu (Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute)
3. Jack Lai (Russell Carhouse)
The winning photo will be announced on June 2nd, 2014. Prizes include:
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