Fat in public art show toronto

Toronto food bloggers want to be Fat in Public

The bloggers behind Toronto food blog Fat Girl Food Squad aren't afraid to take up space online and offline, and over the past year Yuli Scheidt and Ama Scriver have made a name for themselves posting restaurant reviews, fashion tutorials, personal stories, and discussions on body politics. Next week they'll step firmly into the IRL art world with Fat in Public, the blog's first art show.

About a dozen artists will show in the exhibit, which will include Sam Abel's Saucy N端dles and Scheidt's own artwork. From their curatorial statement: "Fat In Public intends to de-stigmatize the (fat) body and give an outlet for art featuring imperfect and sybaritical characters in equal measure."

The exhibit looks to be both playful and powerful - more of these kinds of shows, please! Fat Girl Food Squad started as a blog in Toronto only last year, yet they now boast chapters - ahem, squads! - in Australia, New York, LA, Denver, Minneapolis, Ottawa, Winnipeg, and Hamilton.

Fat in Public opens at 2186 Dundas on Thursday, January 30th.

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