This Week on DineSafe: The Yukon, Vesta Lunch, Piazza Manna, ChickenLicious, Asian Bowl
If you're a fan of the food at The Yukon, you might want to think twice before you order this week. The popular Parkdale bar got a yellow card on DineSafe this week with nine infractions ranging from pest control issues to failure to maintain kitchen cleanliness.
See which other restaurants made this week's list of worst offenders on DineSafe.
Vesta Lunch (474 Dupont St.)
Inspected on: December 10, 2014
Inspection finding: Yellow (Conditional)
Number of infractions: 2 (Minor: 1, Significant: 1)
Crucial infractions include: N/A
The Yukon (1592 Queen St. W.)
Inspected on: December 8, 2014
Inspection finding: Yellow (Conditional)
Number of infractions: 9 (Minor: 3, Significant: 5, Crucial: 1)
Crucial infractions include: Operator fail to ensure food is not contaminated/adulterated.
Piazza Manna (130 King St. West)
Inspected on: December 11, 2014
Inspection finding: Yellow (Conditional)
Number of infractions: 5 (Minor: 2, Significant: 2, Crucial: 1)
Crucial infractions include: Operator fail to maintain hazardous foods at 4C (40F) or colder.
ChickenLicious (2789 Danforth Ave.)
Inspected on: December 10, 2014
Inspection finding: Yellow (Conditional)
Number of infractions: 9 (Minor: 5, Significant: 4)
Crucial infractions include: N/A
Asian Bowl (271 Yonge St.)
Inspected on: December 10, 2014
Inspection finding: Yellow (Conditional)
Number of infractions: 4 (Minor: 2, Significant: 2)
Crucial infractions include: N/A
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