retro videos toronto

Angels on the TTC, gourmet food galore at the Eaton Centre, escaping to the Islands, and Thunder Run!

It's been a while since blogTO has posted a retro TV throwback. Cruising Youtube today, I found and have included a few Toronto-relevant retro video clips that have recently been added to Retrontario's (most excellent nostalgia tripping) Youtube channel: Toronto Islands pleasure-seekers, the Eaton Centre's completely overwhelming gourmet food options, TTC do-gooders being rewarded with free sweatshirts, and the most awesome Thunder Run ride at Canada's Wonderland!

When was the last time you broke away and spent a day in the sun and had fun out on the Toronto Islands? Grab your Walkman and head over there with Corey Hart!

Did the Eaton Centre actually have real chefs in their food court back in the 1980s? The food court of today doesn't exactly shout gourmet, does it?

Want to solve the current rider versus union customer service kerfuffle? Never mind the "bystander effect"... be a TTC Angel and get free swag!

What's the newest attraction at Canada's Wonderland? This year it's Planet Snoopy, but back in the mid-80s it was... Thunder Run... which was awesome back then simply because it went through the fake, rubbery, beige mountain.

More retro TV fun:
A Return Visit to Toronto of the 1980s Inspires Nausea and Nostalgia
Classic Toronto TV Commercials

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