Krepesz European Palascinta Cafe

Krepesz European Palacsinta Cafe

Krepesz European Palascinta Cafe is a new spot on Kensington's cafe-happy Augusta Ave. Specializing in Hungarian-style crepes, it features an interior as sweet and comforting as its culinary creations.

Krepesz European Palascinta Cafe

Decked out in bridesmaid yellow, the cafe is stenciled with trees, birds and telephone poles stretching toward a distant horizon, and suggesting communication with a more innocent time. Bright and sunny, the dĂŠcor is as charming and playful as a 1950s party dress (or maybe I've just been spending too much time on lately.)

Krepesz European Palascinta Cafe

The menu is simple and stylish too. Unfortunately I do not find these qualities as endearing in menu form. Crisp and streamlined with plastic letters on smooth metal, it looks fab, but offers little by way of explanation. I inquire about the Vegetarian Crepe, and am told it comes with spinach, tomato and feta cheese. Unfortunately my server forgets to mention that it's also slathered in sour cream, and what was supposed to be a teeny little diversion from my new lactose avoidance plan turns into a full-on dairy assault. Delicious? Sure, but my aching stomach and long-suffering boyfriend would've appreciated a heads-up on the dairy. If he has to sleep in the Dutch oven tonight, you owe him an apology, Krepesz!

Similarly, but less controversially, the Chicken Crepe conjured thoughts of grilled chicken breast, but was actually ground chicken in a mild paprika jus--tasty, but unexpected.

Krepesz European Palascinta Cafe

Sparse explanations aside, the crepes themselves are divine. Stretchy and soft, smooth and just a little sweet, they're everything crepes should be. Although I was a little non-plussed by the aforementioned Vegetarian Crepe, I also recognized that sweet crepes outnumber savoury by a ratio of 2:1. Clearly I didn't order the house specialty.

My friend said she'd come back, and so would I, but I wouldn't get the Vegetarian Crepe again. The feta was super salty, and there was a smidge of crunchy dirt in my spinach. Likewise, the Chicken Crepe was good, but not great. With Hibiscus across the street offering amazing savoury crepe fillings that are both better and cheaper, I just don't see the point. However, if the heavenly shells are any indication of the quality of sweets on offer for desert crepes, then I'll return for those.

I'm not sure I've done Krepesz European Palascinta Cafe justice. Service is friendly, the atmosphere is just lovely, and the place is really, really new. Krepesz may need a little time to iron out the kinks in their fillings, but their crepes are off to a sweet, smooth start.

Savoury Crepes: $8

Sweet Crepes: $7

Krepesz Toronto

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