Winter Solstice Self-Reflection, Meditation & Celebration

The word solstice means “sun stands still”. Winter Solstice is a time to pause, celebrate the gifts of the darkness and welcome the re-birth of light. It is a powerful time to re-evaluate our lives and brighten our radiance.

During our celebration, Aili will lead us through a self-reflection exercise to let go of the dark of the previous year and set intentions to embrace the year ahead in a new light.

Gurushabd will then lead us through a 1 hour & 45 minute Kundalini meditation from Yogi Bhajan for Polishing the Radiant Body. This is a beautiful group meditation in which we increase our radiance. The effect is to sensitize ourselves to the Radiant Body and rely less and less upon our own efforts and manipulations. We will be chanting the mantra Ajai Alai for much of the practice. The Ajai Alai meditation expands our radiance and connects us to the light of our souls and the light within each other.

Please join us for this beautiful celebration of Winter Solstice. Bring a journal and writing utensil. Yogi Tea will be served. No previous experience in meditation is required.

$15 or by donation

Pre-registration is required as space is limited. Please sign up online through the website link or email Gurushabd at

More details and the registration link are available at

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Winter Solstice Self-Reflection, Meditation & Celebration

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