Unemployment Unanimous: A 12 Step Program for Millenials

Everyone from Time Magazine to Kevin Bacon has weighed in on the plight of Millennials, born from 1980- 2000, in articles and blogs ranging from scathing to sympathetic. Our worst critics have called us lazy, entitled, even psychopathic, while others define us as an entrepreneurial generation, eschewing stability for opportunity and redefining traditional notions of success.

Project Boomerangs nine emerging artists have come from diverse artistic backgrounds to form a collective and create a fresh perspective on the issues surrounding Millennials. Project Boomerang goes beyond the media hype to ask the tough questions around expectation, entitlement and adaptability. What exactly is the problem? Are we to blame for our lack of employment prospects? Can the problem be fixed or is it time to learn to adapt?

Project Boomerang Presents

Unemployment Unanimous: A 12 Step Program for Millenials

April 25th & 26th 2014, 8:00pm

Ladies Parlor at St-Luke's Church, 157 Carlton.

Tickets are $10.00 for Arts workers, Students, Un/under-employed, and $15.00 for any one who can afford it.


Collective Members: Kristin Bartlett, Emma Bulpin, Nicole De Angelis, Jenna Harris, Emma Letki, Erin McCluskey, Michael Reinhart, Aidan Shepherd & Meara Tubman-Broeren.

This production is supported by Mixed Company Theatres Emerging Artist Program. www.mixedcompanytheatre.com.

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