Riverside Eats and Beats Streetfest 'Celebrates 150'

Taste the Eats and feel the Beats in Riverside! Spanning 10 vibrant blocks between the Don Valley Parkway to just past De Grassi Street on historic Queen Street East. Riverside’s 5th annual Eats & Beats Street Festival takes place on the first Saturday of June and (special this year!), continues on Sunday, alongside the Riverdale ArtWalk. This year, the festival is celebrating Ontario and Canada’s 150th anniversary and Indigenous roots with special events and festivities!

During the festival, local eateries open their doors serving tasting plates and musical entertainment. The festival includes a variety of destination points at four street closures with live music, entertainment and, of course, mouthwatering Riverside tasters. Fresh music along Riverside’s streetscape with sounds ranging from Samba, Indigenous music, New Orleans-style Jazz, Roots/Rock and Children’s music. There's something for everyone!

So come join us - and share your memories on social media using #eatsnbeats and #RiversideTO for chance to win a free Riverside t-shirt! Let us know you're coming by registering today!: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/riverside-eats-beats-streetfest-celebrates-150-tickets-34215671996

PLEASE NOTE: Live music and most activities at the festival are free and you do not need to bring your ticket to partake! Food and goods within the festival are generally not free: Riverside eateries will be having special promos and outdoor food tasters at special prices so pls enjoy and support local!

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