PEN Picks: Linwood Barclay hosts Sons of Perdition

Internationally best-selling crime writer Linwood Barclay hosts Sons of Perdition for PEN Picks, presented in partnership with Hot Docs. “Sons of Perdition follows three teenage boys in their bid to break free of a cultist community,” Barclay said. “The boys’ struggles to make it on their own, with mixed success, and the resulting banishment from their families is inspiring yet heartbreaking.”

Barclay will discuss his personal interest in the documentary after the screening, and will participate in a Q&A with the audience.

This is the final PEN Picks screening. Single tickets $15 Series passes $45 ($12/$36 for Bloor Hot Docs Cinema members). Info and tickets at


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PEN Picks: Linwood Barclay hosts Sons of Perdition

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