One Thing Leads to Another

YPT is thrilled to present One Thing Leads to Another, an innovative new work of theatre created specifically for infants!

As they develop and thrive, babies use all of their senses to learn about the world. In this play, performers engage with YPT’s youngest-ever audience using music, enticing visuals, and tactile experiences. The show features the transformation of every-day objects into fantastical phenomena. When the show is over, kids and caregivers can experiment with objects from the play right on the set – to have their own additional play experience.

One Things Leads to Another is sure to engage, stimulate and delight baby and parent or adult companion alike. Participants will sit on mats on the floor enabling adults to interact closely with their infants. YPT has made special arrangements to accommodate parents, with a special stroller station, diaper changing station and a quiet area.

In the Studio Feb. 8 to 21, 2016

Recommended for ages 3 to 12 months, but suitable for up to 24 months

Opening: Monday, February 8 at 2:30 PM.

Performances: Sunday to Friday at 9:30 AM & 2:30 PM

Tickets: $20 + HST & service charges (for one adult and one infant; additional adult or toddler $10 ea.)

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One Thing Leads to Another

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