Newborn Baby Care Workshop

Important key learnings expecting couples will walk away from the workshop with:

An understanding of typical newborn behaviours and a plan on how to best cope with the integration of a new baby into the family.

Practical tips on how to prepare their home for the new baby.

Understanding of various options for sleep arrangements, feeding, and infant care that will fit with the different needs of different families.

This workshop will pick up where most prenatal classes leave off.

Pregnancy is a time busy with preparations and celebrations for your upcoming birth, but it can also offer you the chance to reflect on your life once your new little one has arrived! In this workshop we will pick up where most prenatal classes leave off. You will be encouraged as you learn more about infants and their needs, and reflect on both your excitement and worries as you approach the birth of your baby.

What to expect the first week with a new baby

Diapering options and bum care

What does it mean to wear your baby?

Sleep (including bed-sharing and crib-sleeping)

How to comfort new babies

Preparing your home for your baby

Practical suggestions for breast and bottle feeding

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