Free John Waters Movies and Booze!

Well, the booze isn't free but seeing MULTIPLE MANIACS and THIS FILTHY WORLD on the big screen is...and if you haven't seen any of John Water's films, you may NEED the alcohol!


This Sunday, April 27th at the Cadillac Lounge,

witness the FILTH, relax, enjoy some great company and enjoy the super sexy swinging ambiance of the Lounge.

It's a nice big space, and I want it to be filled with your fine asses!

Alienate and disturb your friends and family!

Free hugs to the traumatized!

A superb idea for a first date or to meet that special someone as the beautiful DIVINE gets raped by a giant lobster on the big screen!

Films start at 8pm sharp in the movie room, but the bar and patio are open whenever.

If John Waters and alcohol aren't enough for you to drag your carcass out...


Be there!

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Free John Waters Movies and Booze!

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