toronto blue jays sex

Fans kicked out of Toronto Blue Jays game for allegedly having sex in the stands

It would appear as though there were multiple ball games taking place at the Rogers Centre in Toronto on Monday evening — one of them between the Blue Jays and the Chicago Cubs, the other between two riled-up fans in the nosebleed section.

Dimitri Karakostas was one of several game attendees who can, not by choice, confirm that Chicago wasn't alone in getting f*cked at the stadium last night.

"Uh, I filmed a couple having sex at the Blue Jays game today in the 500s," he told blogTO when sending over some shocking (and frankly hilarious) exclusive video footage on Tuesday.

In the clips, we see what looks like a woman in a white dress straddling a man at the very back of the stadium, right where the dome splits apart and spreads wide open on sunny days.

While it's hard to know for certain, witnesses seem pretty confident that the couple got past third base.

In an uncensored version of the clip above, viewers can clearly see what appear to be a scrotum, bouncing around like balls in the outfield during an intense batting practice.

A second, longer clip sent to blogTO shows a yellow-vested police officer and a security guard marching up the concrete steps toward where the x-rated action (I'm sorry, alleged x-rated action) is happening.

The boisterous Jays fans just keeps going at it, seemingly unaware that their cover had been blown and that authorities were coming.

Yet another clip from the incident, shot from farther afield, is circulating today in which the woman and man are seen standing next to a cop and some guards, cleaning themselves up as they presumably prepare to be escorted out.

The Toronto Police Service told blogTO on Tuesday that it had no information related to the incident in question. This would suggest that no charges have been laid against anyone for getting laid. The Toronto Blue Jays have yet to respond to a request for comment.

Karakostas had some deets though, telling blogTO that "the cop said the guy flew in to meet this girl" and "that this was their first meeting."

This in mind, one might assume that the SkyDome wasn't the only piece of protective equipment being used during last night's game.

Jokes and questions abound on social media as footage spreads of the amorous baseball fans being kicked out of the Rogers Centre.

"Three strokes and you're out," wrote one Twitter user in response to the 6ixbuzz clip. "They must have thought that if the Jays weren't going to score, they should at least try themselves," joked another.

The Blue Jays wound up coming back from what was almost looking another loss on Monday night, turning the table on the Chicago Cubs to win 5-4.

It is of note that the Jays were wearing their alternate jerseys in racy red. Could this be why fans were banging in the stands? Or did the team glean power from the actions of this couple to help them finish strong?

Chicken and egg, pollo y huevo... emphasis on the huevo.

It remains to be seen if the Rogers Centre will put any extra security measures in place tonight as a result of the apparent sex act, but it wouldn't be much of a surprise. Oakland put additional guards in the nosebleeds at its stadium just over a week ago when a different woman (I think?) was caught on camera giving new meaning to the term "double-header."

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