
Three's Company Cafe

After a long night of beer soaked silliness, I'm generally game for a nice fat brunch. Saturday morning was no different. I decided to call upon some early rising friends for some brunch over on the Danforth.

We met up at a cute little place called 3's Company Cafe on the corner of Danforth Avenue and Lamb Avenue. Upon walking in, you definitely notice the coziness of the cafe with its wooden floors, kitschy photos up on the wall and general good vibe. The front counter is filled with the most delicious looking pastries, cakes and sandwiches--if I could have ate there all day I would have.

After perusing the brunch menu , I decided to go with one of my hangover favorites: Eggs Benjamin with Smoked Salmon and a great big pot of tea. We were served quite quickly--even before our other breakfast mates that had actually ordered first!

I immediately dug into the homefries and was pleased to see that they were a delightful mix of seasoned Yukon potatoes, red potatoes and even sweet potatoes. I'll admit that I'm a homefry fiend and was completely enthused when one of my dining companions couldn't finish her share. I'm totally incorporating sweet potatoes into my next "at home breakfast". The smoked salmon and poached eggs with Hollandaise sauce was a treat to delve into but even better than that was the fresh herb and cheddar scone base that replaced the normal english muffin. THIS is how Eggs Benny should be served-the scone gives it that extra little edge from the ordinary Eggs Benny dish. At $7.50 it suited my taste buds just fine.


As 3's Company Cafe is also a catering business, you are able to buy single serve frozen dishes to go. On this particular morning a delicious looking Moussaka was all the rave. I'll have to go back for it one day.

Obviously I'm not the only one that knows about 3's Company Cafe because the place was quite busy. Apparently the word gets around and rightly so. It's right across from the Greenwood Subway station--so stop by and (sing it with me!) "take a step that is new."

3's Company Cafe

1331 Danforth Avenue

Toronto, Ontario

M4J 1N1


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