The Art of Precious Scars - Kintsugi Bowl Workshop

Kintsugi is an ancient Japanese Healing Practice that serves to join back together that which was once broken, while showcasing and honouring the breaks.

This experiential workshop utilizes a meditative process through a tangible medium to help develop resiliency and healing in the face of loss, trauma, and change.


This process is steered through intentional self-reflection and insight while serving to harvest the beauty of a wounded spirit. In this two-part workshop we collectively break our bowl only to repair it by bringing the pieces we choose back together. After repairing the bowl the cracks are illuminated by being painted with a coloured cern. Through a facilitated expression of our own suffering, healing can transpire while honouring that which has caused our 'breaks' in the ever-evolving journey of life.

*All Materials Provided.

*A Portion of the proceeds will be donated to Journey Home Hospice for the Homeless

Workshop Facilitator

Rami Shami has close to 3 decades of experience within the fields of Hospice & Palliative Care. He is currently Manager, Volunteer Services Hospice Residence for the Homeless - Journey Home Hospice, where he serves the homeless and vulnerably housed living with a life-limiting illness. In addition to consulting both locally and internationally, he facilitates workshops in various areas of end of life and palliative care.

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The Art of Precious Scars - Kintsugi Bowl Workshop

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