Premedical postbaccalaureate prerequisite course Toronto, Ontario Canada

Open House

Are you interested in medicine? dentistry? veterinary medicine? Pharmacy? DO?Do you need pre-requisite courses such as Physics, Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Biology, English, Calculus, Microbiology, etc, etc, to apply to American schools, MCGill, LAval, etc? or a postbacalaureate program to increase your chances to get into medical or dental school?

Medical Education Programs in Canada (Toronto) and New York, USA is a hub offering programs and credit curses from summer camp to residency matching

1. the only accredited postbacalaureate program in Canada with 100% acceptance: our students were accepted into medical, dental, pharmacy schools at University of Toronto, Queen’s University, McMaster University, Western University, U of Detroit Mercy, Wake Forrest, Central Michigan, South California, Temple, Albany, Australian schools, UK schools, and top Caribbean schools

see some of our alumni at

2. the only premedical program with direct acceptance without MCAT into medical, dental, veterinary, chiropractic schools –our students got over 2 million dollars in scholarships from our partner schools in the past 4 years

3. all prerequisites for medical, dental, DO, pharmacy and other health care schools accepted by 110 partner schools in Canada, USA, and international

4. medical school summer camp –where you can learn everything about medicine

5. all courses for residency matching

6. the most successful advising for application to medical and professional schools and for residency matching for international medical graduates IMG and CSA in Canada see some of our amazing success stories

7. Financing for professional schools by the best banks in Canada

#premed, #medschool, #prerequisitestoronto, #postbaccaalureateCanada, #postbactoronto, #premedtoronto

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Premedical postbaccalaureate prerequisite course Toronto, Ontario Canada

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