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Vernissage : Mardi 21 octobre 2014, 17h30-20h30 Exposition : Du 21 octobre au 22 novembre 2014


Rendez-vous artistique : samedi 1er novembre 11h30-13h00 Conversation entre Philippe Blanchard et Genevieve Thauvette Gratuit et ouvert au public

Lieu : Galerie Glendon, College Glendon, Universite York, 2275, avenue Bayview, Toronto ON M4N 3M6

Horaire douverture : Mardi au vendredi : 12 h-15 h, Samedi : 13 h-16 h

Contact : - - 416-603-6566


Pour cette nouvelle exposition, Philippe Blanchard poursuit ses experiences recentes combinant jeux de lumiere controles par ordinateur et sculptures de papier serigraphie afin de creer une illusion de mouvement et dexplorer ce faisant lanimation comme medium dinstallation. Deux nouvelles uvres une installation sculpturale et un collage monte a meme le mur sont inspirees de structures architecturales reliees au feu ou a la lumiere : temples du feu, anciens autels pour offrandes brulees, ainsi que cinemas, edifices modernes consacres a la contemplation de la lumiere. Dans sa pratique, Blanchard considere le feu comme technologie visuelle primitive, precurseur poetique du cinema et de lanimation. Se servant de nouveaux materiaux papier serigraphie dechiquete et retroprojecteurs modifies, Blanchard cherche avec ce nouveau projet a developper et reinventer le lexique visuel qui lui est devenu familier : lumiere et encres rouges, bleues et vertes utilisees de maniere immersive afin dinterroger notre relation culturelle a limage en mouvement et a la perception du temps.

A propos de lartiste :

Philippe Blanchard est un artiste, animateur et enseignant residant a Toronto. Une formation en cinema et effets speciaux, ainsi quune carriere en animation commerciale ont resulte en une pratique artistique marquee par la pluridisciplinarite, ou nouveaux medias et animation sont metisses a des pratiques plus traditionnelles, telles que le dessin, la peinture et les arts imprimes. Ces projets recents comptent une expo de groupe a Mexico Musee national de lart imprime, un projet pour AGO First Thursdays Toronto et expos solos a la galerie Glendon Toronto, Cambridge Galleries Cambridge ON et Arprim Montreal : tous proposant des installations hybrides entre lanimation, la serigraphie et la sculpture.

Son travail danimation a ete presente dans les endroits suivants : Rencontres Internationales Paris-Berlin, Festival du Nouveau Cinema Montreal, Pop Montreal Festival, Mattress Factory Pittsburgh, The Kitchen New York, RISD Providence RI, Hirshhorn Museum Washington DC, National Museum of Women in the Arts Washington DC, LACMA Los Angeles, San Francisco Art Institute, Cal Arts Valencia, CA, Institute of Contemporary Art Boston, Impakt Festival Utrecht NL, Center for Contemporary Arts Glasgow, the Power Plant, the Ottawa Art Gallery, InterAccess, Angell Gallery and AGYU.

Informations : Le Laboratoire d'Art Le Labo - - 416 603 6566



Opening :Tuesday, October 21th 2014, 5:30pm-8:30pm Exhibition :From October 21th to November 22d 2014


Rendez-vous artistique: Saturday November 1st 11:30am-1pm Discussion between Philippe Blanchard and Genevieve Thauvette Free and open to the public

Address : Glendon Gallery, Glendon College, York University, 2275, Bayview avenue, Toronto ON M4N 3M6

Opening hours : Tuesday to Friday : 12-3pm, Saturday : 1-4pm

Contact : - - 416-603-6566


With this new exhibition, Philippe Blanchard continues his recent explorations using computer-controlled lighting and screen prints to generate animation and explore its potential as an installation medium. Two new works a room-sized sculptural installation and a wall-based collage both explore and are inspired by architectural structures that deal with light or fire as cultural phenomena : ancient altars for burnt offerings, temples that house fire, modern buildings devoted to the contemplation of pulsating light, such as cinemas. In much of his work, Blanchard considers fire as an early visual technology and uses it poetically as a stand-in for animation and moving images in general. Using new materials shredded paper and repurposed overhead projectors and approaches, with this project Blanchard expands the visual language he has been working with for the last few years : red, green and blue lights and inks used immersively to address the optical nature of the moving image and its relation to our perception of time.

About the artist :

Philippe Blanchard is a Toronto-based artist, animator and teacher. His diverse creative background film production, digital visual effects, studio arts has informed an interdisciplinary practice combining animation, installation, light shows, drawing, painting and printmaking. His recent projects include a group show at Mexico Citys National Museum of Print, a project for AGO First Thursdays and solo shows at Glendon Gallery Toronto, Cambridge Galleries Cambridge ON and Arprim Montreal: expanded animation installations featuring screen-printed imagery animated by coloured light.

Philippe Blanchard's animation work has been shown at Rencontres Internationales Paris-Berlin, Festival du Nouveau Cinema Montreal, Pop Montreal Festival, Mattress Factory Pittsburgh, The Kitchen New York, RISD Providence RI, Hirshhorn Museum Washington DC, National Museum of Women in the Arts Washington DC, LACMA Los Angeles, San Francisco Art Institute, Cal Arts Valencia, CA, Institute of Contemporary Art Boston, Impakt Festival Utrecht NL, Center for Contemporary Arts Glasgow, the Power Plant, the Ottawa Art Gallery, InterAccess, Angell Gallery and AGYU.

Information : Le Laboratoire d'Art Le Labo - - 416 603 6566

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