Online countdown to Departure Kadode movie production

Please invite your friends to this event. Every person that sees and shares this will make this film a reality. We will give away DVDs to people that invite the most friends and put your name in the credits of the movie

Excited to tell everyone, I have started filming a documentary two months ago. The momentum led to a Kickstarter campaign to try to finish it. The topic is about the transient second lives of Japanese that have gone overseas. It shows a parallel view of their experiences before and after going overseas. As well, it discusses social issues in Japan such as: work life balance, gender inequality, sexism, LGBT culture and the cultural differences between Japan versus West. The story is told through Japanese that have lived in Toronto.

Check it out and please share this status on Facebook, Twitter, etc:


Facebook group Departure:

If you or anyone you know would like to join this film as an interviewee, interviewer, translator, sponsor, marketer, coordinator, make-up artist or musician please message me. We will restart production November 1st, 2014 and aim to finish by the end of summer of 2015 before the deadline of September.

Mark Bradleymark.obradley@gmail.com


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