Louise Lecavalier in So Blue

Physically, Louise Lecavalier is an arresting composite of David Bowie and Tilda Swinton and is, in the world of contemporary dance, as iconic as both. So Blue marks her volcanic emergence as a choreographer. Its titular shade is, she believes, the colour of the soul. Describing the 60-minute piece, Lecavalier says “I wanted to allow the body to say everything it wants to say without censoring it, so that out of this profusion of spontaneous movements, something true and beyond our control emerges.” The first 30 minutes of So Blue, its vibrant, swirling soundtrack composed by Turkish-born Montréaler Mercan Dede, features Lecavalier in a perilous solo. Joined by Frédéric Tavernini for the second half, their raw, shared energy reaches dizzying heights.

All performances at the Bluma Appel Theatre.

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