Light Up the Beach 2018

DeClute Light Up The Beach was conceived as a way of making the Boardwalk and Beach more of a destination for local residents in the cold winter months. DeClute Real Estate dedicates an enormous amount of resources and hours every year carefully stringing Christmas lights as high as 65 feet above the Boardwalk through mature oak, maple and willow trees lining the shores of Lake Ontario. More than 80,000 individual LED bulbs on 20,000 linear feet of wire are hung every Fall and removed every Spring. The result has attracted attention from people around the world who come to marvel the sight, our Member of Parliament uses a photograph of the lights as his Christmas card and the lighting event itself brings thousands to participate as Santa strolls the Boardwalk and counts down to light each tree in sequence.

Lighting ceremony is November 30th at 7pm and while the display continues until February 10, 2019.

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Light Up the Beach 2018

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