HEY GIRL HEY: Hail Santa!

You survived the holidays and NYE is basically still years away, so come roast your chestnuts on the open fire that is HEY GIRL HEY!

Our stocking is stuffed with:

-a 12:30ish performance by Beardoncé that is gonna blow the roof of this Winter Talent Show!

-a dance floor packed with the cutest queers on Dundas West ready to Make the Yuletide Gay Again!

-DJ Orange Pekoe giving you a safe haven from WHAM! by playing only the best hip-hop and RnB by female and non-binary artists!

So, don your gay apparel and jingle your bells in our direction, babe!

$10 | 19+

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HEY GIRL HEY: Hail Santa!

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