Delphine Horvilleur: Living with Our Dead

Rabbi Delphine Horvilleur, leader of the Liberal Jewish Movement of France, shares stories from her new book, an exploration of loss, mourning, and consolation informed by her work caring for the dying and their loved ones. Hosted by Toronto Public Library in Zoom Webinar.

From Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin to Elsa Cayat, the psychologist and Charlie Hebdo columnist killed in the 2015 terrorist attack. From Myriam, a New Yorker obsessed with planning her own funeral, to the author’s friend Ariane and her struggle with terminal illness. Horvilleur writes about public figures and ordinary people alike, describing their encounters with death and dying with intelligence, humor, and compassion.

Rabbi Horvilleur speaks with Rabbi Lisa Grushcow (Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom in Montreal) about Living with Our Dead, a powerful reflection on our relationship to death and an invitation to accept loss and vulnerability as essential and enriching parts of life.

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