CENSUS Art Exhibition

CENSUS is a contemporary art exhibition featuring emerging lens-based artists completing their thesis studies at OCAD University. Works exhibited explore socio-cultural representation and notions of identity through the photographic medium. In Camera Lucida, Roland Barthes states that In front of the lens, I am at the same time: the one I think I am, the one I want others to think I am, the one the photographer thinks I am, and the one he makes use of to exhibit his art. These multiple ways of seeing have influenced the participating artists, whose recordings of individuals uncover the relationships that form identity.

Featuring artworks by:

Danika Zandboer: www.danikaz.com

Julia Macerola: www.juliamacerola.com

Naoise Dunne: http://naoisedunne.4ormat.com/fineart

Rachael McArthur: www.rachaelelizabethmcarthur.4ormat.com

Sebastin Bentez: www.sebastianbenitez.com

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CENSUS Art Exhibition

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