Art workshop: Cold Wax and Oil Painting

Cold wax is a unique medium that allows the artist to get very tactile: utilizing layers, thick textures and scraping to create movement, energy and luminous lighting in your paintings.

In this workshop, Linda Woollen will demonstrate how to use cold wax to allow underlying layers to effectively come through. Linda will use a tactile approach with the oil and cold wax, allowing the artist to work with a palette knife and other implements to pull and scratch the wax to create a novel textured effect. Applied on wood, instead of canvas, the cold wax and oil make for a fun painting process that creates striking paintings.

Adding cold wax to your oils also delivers the added advantage of more cost-effectively building thick textures.

Please bring your materials:

You will need a wood canvas. Linda will be demonstrating on 16×20 inches.


Wooden Palette, or disposable palette paper, or wax paper

Metal cups for medium

At least two palette knives, you can bring plastic knives as well, if you like

A variety of brushes: bring what you like working with

Oil Paint:

Titanium White (large tube), Cad. Yellow light, Cad. Red Light, Yellow Ochre, Alizarin Crimson, Ultramarine blue, Cerulean Blue, Viridian Hue, Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber. You can also bring cobalt blue or any other colour you like working with.

Cold Wax:

Gamblin cold wax medium: stores do not keep a very large stock of cold wax since it is not a very common method of painting, so shop early.


Liquin, paper towels or rags.

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Art workshop: Cold Wax and Oil Painting

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