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Radar: October 2, 2009

Photo: "Untitled" by Jarrett E Hather, member of the blogTO Flickr Pool.

Events on Toronto's Radar for FRIDAY OCTOBER 2, 2009... lovingly handpicked from blogTO's events calendar.

URBAN SPORTS | Capture the Flag Toronto 2009
Everyone's favourite kids' game is all grown up and is taking to the streets of the financial district tonight. You know the rules: infiltrate your enemies territory and bring back their flag without being caught. But in this game you can use back alleys, subway lines, bicycles, longboards and the underground PATH system to sneak over the opposing team's border. Execute strategies using cellphones and find your way through the empty streets with a high powered flashlight. Probably the closest most of us will come to participating in urban warfare.
King St. and Bay St., Free, 9 pm, All Ages

MUSIC | Rollin & Scratchin w/ the William Blakes
The Rollin & Scratchin party has been kicking it in Toronto for a little while now, bringing us high-energy electro and dance bands on a regular basis. Tonight at the Supermarket they've managed to wrangle the William Blakes, apparently the hottest thing to come out of Denmark since... well ever. The band sounds a little like 80's heartthrobs a-ha, and favour lilting melodies with full-speed ahead choruses. They'll be joined Ryan Dahle and the Rollin & Scratchin djs.
The Supermarket, 268 Augusta Ave., $5 before 11 pm, 9 pm

BOOKS AND LIT | Why Do People Believe Weird Things
Founder of Skeptics Magazine Dr. Michael Shermer comes to town tonight to explain why so many people believe unbelievable things. Things like alien abductions, creationism, and that Slumdog Millionaire was a good movie. Shermer has a regular column in Scientific American which he uses to debunk bad science, pseudoscience, voodoo science, and other varieties of misleading mumbo jumbo. His humourous lectures have become somewhat of a hit on university campuses across North America, and are based on his bestselling book of the same title.
JJR MacLeod Auditorium, 1 King's College Circle, $8, 7 pm

FILM | Toronto Polish Film Festival
The Revue Cinema hosts three days of Ekran, Toronto's Polish Film Festival. The fest will be showing several classic and contemporary Polish movies including features, shorts and children's films. It kicks off tonight with Katyn, an account of the Soviet massacre of Polish soldiers and political figures during World War II that was nominated for an Academy Award in 2007. The festival is curated by Marta Ogonek, a Polish actress and filmmaker now living in Toronto, and is component of the Roncesvalles Polish Festival. All screenings will have English subtitles. Runs til Sunday.
Revue Cinema, 400 Roncesvalles Ave., $10, 8 pm

PARTIES | The Room Party
This is the party that dares to answer the question "who needs a clever name when you've got great djs?" Shit LaMerde and Vitaminsforyou are two of the biggest names behind the turntables in this town, and will be rocking the Boat tonight with a fine selection of weird disco, weird house, post-punk and trash. It's not often that two djs of this calibre get together, a happy event that might be a result of the fact that Vitaminsforyou was supposed to spin last month at the Boat, but the organizer forgot to rent turntables. Whoever it is that's running this ain't so great at naming things or basic event prep, but they can sure book talent!
The Boat, 158 Augusta Ave., $5, 10 pm

MUSIC | Screaming Females w/ Rich Aucoin
In 2007 Rich Aucoin released an album called Personal Publication, which he wrote and arranged to sync up perfectly with Dr. Suess's How the Grinch Stole Christmas (the original version, not that train wreck Jim Carey was in). That may sound like a nothing more than a gimmick, but to achieve such a feat takes a large degree of musical talent, something Aucoin has in spades. The Haligonian specializes in harmony-layered, intricately arranged pieces, and plays the Garrison tonight with fast-paced New Jersey trio the Screaming Females before heading to Pop Montreal this weekend.
The Garrison, 1197 Dundas St. W., $5, 9 pm

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