Morning Brew: More on the new TTC streetcars, Rob Ford to appear in The Nutcracker, Islington Village's mural makeover, LEED platinum buildings in Toronto, and what's next for Occupy Toronto?
Sure the new streetcars are awfully pretty to look at, but the Post's Peter Kuitenbrouwer has six serious questions about them, related to issues like bunching (apparently there won't be any), fare payment (they will run on the — gasp — something like the honour system), and how many seats they have (70!).
Well, this will be a sight to see. Rob Ford will make a cameo as a "cannon doll" during a performance of the holiday favourite, "The Nutcracker". According to the ballet's spokeswoman, it will be a "non-dancing miming role" and the mayor will don a multi-coloured "Petrushka" outfit.
Check out Islington Village's mural makeover. So far there have been 22 murals created since 2004, and by illustrating the area's historic past, they really spruce up what had become a rather drab area.
The Globe has a look at some of the GTA's rarest buildings — those which have attained LEED platinum status. Alas, it's a very short list.
With news breaking out of New York that police moved to clear Zuccotti Park of Occupy Wall Street protesters last night, one gets the sense things are going to get very interesting for the local branch of the Occupy movement. Some New York protesters speculated that the latest developments would only galvanize the movement, which would surely resonate with the residents of St. James Park. But there's always the possibility that without the ability to occupy the original park, the protesters will have lost some zeal.
Photo by MrDanMofo in the blogTO Flickr pool
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