Morning Brew: TTC fare hike likely for next year, Councillor David Shiner wants to licence cyclists, TTC supervisor won't be charged in latest scuffle, and BIXI celebrates its 100,000th ride
Add this to the hurt-list for Toronto 2012. TTC vice-chair Peter Milczyn, announced yesterday that riders should expect a fare hike next year barring any sort of financial miracle from the city or province. Despite a new million-dollar advertising contract, the commission is still coming up short for next year's budget.
In light of Wednesday's accident that involved a cyclist hitting at a woman at Dundas and Huron streets, city councillor David Shiner wants City Council to push the province to hold cyclists just as accountable as drivers, meaning he'd like bikes to have licence plates and cyclists to carry licences. This would mean we'd have to take a written test in order to ride a bike. And you thought taking off the training wheels was going to be the hardest part.
The TTC supervisor involved in the latest scuffle with a customer will not be disciplined. The incident, which happened during Monday afternoon rush hour, occurred after a woman began filming an argument between a streetcar driver and rider at Bathurst station. When a supervisor, who had been called in, noticed the camera, he lunged for it, and apparently damaged the device. The woman has filed a complaint with the TTC asking for an apology and for her camera replaced.
The pedestrian tunnel to the Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport could be happening sooner than expected. A report released yesterday didn't contain much detail, but it seems that city council will be asked next week to sign off on the deal with the Toronto Port Authority. On the other hand, Councillor Adam Vaughan, a staunch opponent to the tunnel, doubts the voting will be done next week because he characterizes the issue as "complex".
Photo by lemon721 in the blogTO Flickr pool.
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