Morning Brew: Port Lands to be turned into living movie set, light rail transit touted, Vaughan protests Fantino, basejumper rescued on Bluffs, Argos win
Attention all movie star wannabes. Want to live on a movie set right here in our city? Pinewood Studios, the city's largest movie complex in the city, is planning to build residences around the city's waterfront film studio district so parts of Toronto will look more like New York, Chicago or London. One of the reasons for building these residences is that Toronto streets are too congested for film crews to do location shooting.
Vandals in need of warm fuzzy love hit the Queen and Beaver Public House on Elm Street and made off with the pub's famous stuffed beaver mascot. So enamored with the beaver, the bandits posted pictures of the beaver on their Facebook page. They could have got away with it if only they defriended the Q&B staff member who noticed the pictures and reported them.
According to a report called "Clearing the Air on the TTC", members from the Toronto Environmental Alliance and a coalition calling itself TTCriders are arguing that light rail transit is the best option for the environment and for the pocketbook. The group hasn't met with the mayor-elect yet who is set on expanding the subway line and replacing streetcars with hybrid buses and want proof that subways make sense from an emissions perspective. Let's hope they get that meeting before Ford begins cutting the city's green initiatives.
A small group of protesters set on keeping former Ontario Provincial Police Commissioner Julian Fantino out of office gathered outside of his campaign headquarters in Vaughan on Sunday afternoon to kickstart their anti-Fantino campaign. The Conservatives Against Fantino are planning a series of blitzes before the November 29 federal by-election to expose him for his "lawless and racist policing policies" during the 2006 aboriginal occupation of Caledonia. While their efforts should be applauded, I just hope the good people of Vaughan decided to leave the shopping malls to take notice of them.
And apparently, there wasn't enough excitement on Toronto streets this weekend for a 26-year-old thrill-seeking man who took his quest for adventure to great heights. The pleasure monger attempted a base jump from the Scarborough Bluffs, but his parachute got caught on one of the peaks when he made a miscalculation in his jump, leaving him suspended about 60 metres from the base of the Bluffs. He escaped unscathed from the incident and walked away free as a bird as no charges were laid against him.
Writing by Marisa Iacobucci . Photo by enedki in the blogTO Flickr pool
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