The Montreal Comedy Show

The Montreal Comedy Show is a comedy show in Toronto featuring an all-star lineup of Montrealer comedians.

If you like steamies, smoked meat, and poutine, come enjoy these comedians. We get you.

We understand what it means to be at a club and not have to worry that the place is closing before 3:00 am.

We know the difference between a donut and a bagel.

We know that if you’re having a smoked meat sandwich and you ask if there should be mustard on that smoked meat or not, you are evil and should never be allowed near rye bread again.

Come celebrate Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day (Fête nationale du Québec)!

MC Luke Lynndale (Absolute Comedy, Best Stand-Up Set, Comedy Brawl) will introduce six hilarious comedians, all Montrealers.

Tickets: $12 presale, $15 at the door.

Doors open at 7:30 pm for the 8:00 pm Comedy Show.

The show's lineup -

o Marisa Cristiano (The Comedy Bar, Cameron House, 120 Diner)

o Himansu Patel (Liberty Laughs, The Friend Zone)

o DUO DAD (Boston Improv Festival, Big City Improv Festival)

o Mike Carozza (Just for Laughs, JFL42, 208 Comedy Festival)

o Sarah St. Fleur (Yuk Yuk’s, Comedy Works)

o Allie Pearse (2019 Breakout Comic - I Heart Joke Awards)

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The Montreal Comedy Show

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