Riverside Dog Lovers' Market

The annual Riverside Dog Lovers Market is back! This year it's all happening outdoors in Riverside Common Park (657 Queen E) AND Joel Weeks Park (10 Thompson St).

Join a paw-some event co-hosted by the Riverside BIA and Toronto Dog Moms, with friends Dirty Pawz Dog Wash, Sparky's Comrade, Toronto Humane Society, and many more. Enjoy live music, treat your furry friends to pupachinos, enjoy freebies, explore local pet vendors and services, meet incredible rescue organizations, pre-register for a free micro-chipping service or an enrichment session, and much more!

GET YOUR FREE TICKET & RSVP for the date and get the details for free session registrations, plus related perks and promos - the first 45 to RSVP and show their free ticket at the event will get a comp tote and entry to our local prize pack raffle: https://riverside-dog-lovers-2024.eventbrite.ca/

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