This week on DineSafe: 2-4-1 Pizza, Café Palma, Hong Kong Island, Nak Won, Noah's Ark, Teriyaki Experience, The Office Pub, Town Crier
This week on DineSafe, a number of restaurants were pegged with two Conditional Passes in a row. (Hint: that's not a good thing.) First there was Hong Kong Island Bakery on Spadina, which never the green light (so to speak) after a Conditional Pass about one month ago. Then there was Nak Won Korean Restaurant in North York, which had two inspections within two days, both of which turned up a cool 10 infractions each. And we're not to forget Noah's Ark Tavern on the Danforth, which got a yellow pass with one infraction early in the month, then got another yellow pass this past week with a total of eight. Reconcile that. Here are some of the notable DineSafe blemishes this week.
2-4-1 Pizza (Eglinton E, Scarborough)
Inspected on: June 11
Inspection finding: Yellow (Conditional Pass)
Number of infractions: 10 (Minor: 3, Significant: 5, Crucial: 0)
Crucial infractions include: N/A
CafĂŠ Palma
Inspected on: June 12
Inspection finding: Yellow (Conditional Pass)
Number of infractions: 10 (Minor: 2, Significant: 4, Crucial: 4)
Crucial infractions include: Inadequate food temperature control, failure to ensure/provide for proper employee hygiene/handwashing
Hong Kong Island Bakery
Inspected on: June 11
Inspection finding: Yellow (Conditional Pass)
Number of infractions: 4 (Minor:1, Significant: 1, Crucial: 1)
Crucial infractions include: Inadequate food temperature control
Nak Won Korean Restaurant (North York)
Inspected on: June 14
Inspection finding: Yellow (Conditional Pass)
Number of infractions: 10 (Minor: 2, Significant: 4, Crucial: 4)
Crucial infractions include: Inadequate food temperature control, failure to protect food from contamination, failure to ensure/provide for proper employee hygiene/handwashing
Noah's Ark Tavern
Inspected on: June 13
Inspection finding: Yellow (Conditional Pass)
Number of infractions: 8 (Minor: 1, Significant: 6, Crucial: 0)
Crucial infractions include: N/A
Teriyaki Experience (Yonge Eglinton Centre)
Inspected on: June 11
Inspection finding: Yellow (Conditional Pass)
Number of infractions: 9 (Minor: 3, Significant: 3, Crucial: 1)
Crucial infractions include: Inadequate food temperature control
The Office Pub
Inspected on: June 12
Inspection finding: Yellow (Conditional Pass)
Number of infractions: 4 (Minor: 2, Significant: 1, Crucial: 1)
Crucial infractions include: Inadequate food temperature control
Town Crier
Inspected on: June 13
Inspection finding: Yellow (Conditional Pass)
Number of infractions: 7 (Minor: 0, Significant: 5, Crucial: 1)
Crucial infractions include: Inadequate food temperature control
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