holy f***ck!!! me n Gavin have bene doin this show for a hole fkn YEAR...and now weer almots legal ;) but alos fkn crazy lkukly we hav ben in our new family for a WHOLE YEAR too accoring to Leader Time. so were clbraying! :) this will bw a HUGE fun fkn time & rumor hasit that we mighe evn get to smell some of The Leader's blood!!! olny rule commandde by The Leader is that u MUST IDENTIFY urslf if u r a journalist or a documntsry filmmaker oran investigtaive rpeorter or ra abhorrent traitor of The Family. otherwise com down, fill out som forms, sign sme documnts with ur legal name and gt reddy to LAFF :)

this month feat!

Mark Little

Evany Rosen

Matt O'Brien

Selby Nixon

Julia Hladkowicz

Jackie Pirico

Tim Blair

presented by Joke Party

Comedy Bar!



tix at:


Latest Videos - 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!

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